Law Blog

Why I Love Fishbowl, A Social App for Professionals

Q: What do you get when you match anonymity with being able to vent about the workplace? A: My favorite new app, Fishbowl. Fishbowl is a social app for professionals that helps you connect and have relevant conversations with others across your industry and company.You can join different “bowls” (professional groups) with others from the […]

Why I Love Fishbowl, A Social App for Professionals Read More »

Say what?

Okay, I’ve been wanting to do this one for a while. What are the craziest corporate sayings you have ever heard that took you a minute (or a Google search) to understand? Embarrassingly, these are mine: “10-4.” Sorry, what? 10am-4pm? #Confused. Apparently, “10-4” is “an affirmative signal: it means ‘OK.’” Well, I’ll be darned because

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